
I don't agree with the deprecation of water=pond. I find it perfect for small body of water like the ones you can see here for cows watering: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/301144562


On 10/11/20 06:26, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
The tag water=pond was added with a large number of other types of "water=*" in 2011, but it has a poorly defined description.

"A pond <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pond>: a body of standing water, man-made in most cases, that is usually smaller than a lake. Salt evaporation ponds should be tagged with landuse <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:landuse>=salt_pond <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:landuse%3Dsalt_pond>, open-air swimming pools — with leisure <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:leisure>=swimming_pool <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:leisure%3Dswimming_pool>."

So it might be artificial, like a landuse=reservoir or water=reservoir, but smallish. Or it might be natural like a water=lake, but smallish. However, nothing on the water=lake page defines a lower limit for the size of a lake.

This is a shame, because all the other values of water=* are clearly defined as only natural, or only artificial, and waterway=* features are also clearly divided. Furthermore, the original lags landuse=reservoir and landuse=basin were also clearly artificial, while lakes were natural.

But the biggest problem is that there is no way to define a lower size for a lake or reservoir, or an upper size for a pond. And the size of the area is easier available from the geometry of the feature, so it doesn't need to be mentioned in the tag.

I think the best option is to deprecate water=pond and suggest using water=lake for natural lakes, even small ones, and use water=reservoir or water=basin (or landuse=reservoir or =basin if you prefer) for the artificial ones.

-- Joseph Eisenberg

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