Hello all ! 

As part of the COMPAS project (Cartographie et Outils Multisensoriels Pour 
l'Accessibilité Spatiale - which means Mapping and Multisensory Tools for 
Spatial Accessibility), we developed a tool to add doors / entrances to 
buildings. [ https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Compas | 
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Compas ] 

It is still a work in progress (and it's in French), but it works for the 
simplest cases. Feel free to try it out and give us feedback! [ 
https://od4m.limos.fr/build/ | https://od4m.limos.fr/build/  ] 

But writing to the "tagging" list, it is about a particular tagging case ! :) 
Here is a concrete example with this node: [ 
https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?node=3843013022#map=19/45.77457/3.08758 | 
https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?node=3843013022#map=19/45.77457/3.08758 ] 
(many nodes in this neighbourhood have similar characteristics). 

    * It has a housenumber tag, and is associated with a street through a 
relationship (house). 
    * However, the point is not part of the building way. 

We want to add the entrance and door attributes, and possibly address 
attributes if necessary. 

Which strategy do you think is the most relevant ? 


give door / entrance tags to this point, leaving it free 

integrate the point into the building way, keep the point-street relationship 

integrate the point into the building way, remove the point-street 
relationship, complete with addr:street , addr:city , addr:postcode tags ... 

Thank you for your advices, 

See you 

Samuel, Jean-Marie, Jeremy 

Tagging mailing list

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