Better use the key "description" instead of "name". Apart from that in
my opinion you can do it like this.

More problematic is the access road (apparently not mapped by you): On
some sections it is drawn twice over the footways/path and "name" is
used here as well. As I already mentioned in a mail from yesterday, it
would probably be better to assign an access value like "motor_vehicle =
emergency" to the footways/path instead?

Am 28.10.20 um 06:51 schrieb Nüssli Christian (SRZ):
> Hello Supaplex
> Thank you very much for your explanation for others. It's exactly what I 
> meant. It's areas especially designed for emergency vehicles, e.g a ladder 
> which will reach most of the areas from a bulding. I think parking would be 
> the wrong approach, because it's not really a parking, more a working are. I 
> like emergency=service_area or better emergency=rescue_area.
> I made the mentioned military area to the real situation with your taggings: 
> What do you think about?
> Kind regards
> Christian
> Freundliche Grüsse
> Christian Nüssli
> Applikationsverantwortlicher ELZ
> Stadt Zürich
> Schutz & Rettung
> Direktwahl +41 44 411 22 85<tel:+41444112285>
> Schutz & Rettung Zürich ist Top Employer 2020!
> Weitere Infos: 
> Von: Supaplex <>
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2020 00:40
> An:
> Betreff: Re: [Tagging] Tagging from fire_service_areas - landuse:emergency
> We (or Christian) are talking about areas that must be kept free, especially 
> near buildings, so that fire brigade vehicles can stand and work there in 
> case of an emergency. For example, it is not allowed to park there, no 
> objects may be placed there etc. In German-speaking countries it is very 
> common to find areas that are specially designated for this use (I don't know 
> what the situation is like in other countries). These areas can be e.g. paved 
> areas or just grass, sometimes with surface=grass_paver (these areas must be 
> able to carry vehicles weighing up to 16 tons). I think tagging of these 
> areas is very useful for use by rescue services, as Christian apparently 
> intends to do, or for micro mapping purposes.
> How about "emergency = rescue_area" (very rarely in use)? I agree that 
> landuse should not be used in this case, but we have "emergency" for this. 
> For fire fighters access ways there is already "highway = service" + "service 
> = emergency access" in use (see 
> (Another question I ask myself in this context: How do you mark footways/path 
> that serve as fire fighter access - i.e. are designated, suitable and wide 
> enough for this purpose? I have already used "highway = footway" + 
> "motor_vehicle = emergency" in these cases.)
> Am 28.10.20 um 00:05 schrieb Robert Delmenico:
> I'm not sure what you're referring to but I'll put some options here to
> discuss:
> Fire districts: used for declaring total for bans in Australia
> Neighbourhood safer places in Victoria - where you can go as a last resort
> in a bushfire situation
> There are also administrative fire service regions/districts in Victoria
> but there would be minimal value in mapping these.
> There are training grounds used solely for training emergency service
> personnel
>  There is land which the fire stations sit on
> amenity=fire_station
> Then there is the fire stations
> building=fire_station
> Kind regards,
> Rob
> On Wed, 28 Oct 2020, 9:20 am Graeme Fitzpatrick, 
> <><>
> wrote:
> Hi Christian
> On Tue, 27 Oct 2020 at 18:35, Nüssli Christian (SRZ) <
><>> wrote:
> I wanted to ask you if there's a correct mapping of fire service areas.
> That's areas in fire protection guidelines that will be reserved for
> emergency vehicles.
> Sorry, but what do you mean by "fire service areas", & "reserved for
> emergency vehicles"?
> Are you referring to fire stations & emergency lanes?
> I found quite a few that are tagged as landuse=military which is in my
> opinion – the incorrect way.
> No, not even knowing for sure what we're talking about, but I can see that
> would be wrong!
> Thanks
> Graeme
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