On 2020-10-24 9:32 a.m., Janko Mihelić wrote:
> Here is my proposal on the wiki:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Admission
> In short, we don't have any way to connect places that need a ticket for
> entrance, with the place that sells those tickets. Usually those places
> are close together, but sometimes they are not.
> In those cases, it would be nice that a router could either show us this
> information, or route us to the ticket issuer first, and then to the
> original place we were going to.
> The tags I proposed would be:
> access=admission for the place that needs a ticket
> admission=issue for the place that sells the ticket
> admission:to=* to tag both with the same name, so we can link them, or
> relation type=admission that connects the two places.
> What do you think?
> Janko

Another thing worth addressing in the proposal is how this relates to
public transit systems. Things like a ferry that require a ticket for
entry might translate pretty directly, but what about bus or light rail
systems where you buy your ticket at a shop=ticket (or similar) to ride
anywhere on the system? Does this apply to those too? What about systems
where you can buy a ticket on a bus, but the ticket is also good for
transfers to the light rail or subway stations that require a ticket for
entry? The answer could be "no, don't use this for entire transit
systems", but either way, public transit is prominent enough in OSM that
I think it's worth explicitly addressing it in the proposal (and
discussing here, if need be).

 - Justin

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