More likely than prohibiting bikes, the USFS could allow
non-street-registered OHVs over 50" on a trail, but keep it closed to
normal street-registered vehicles; in some states, there may also be
implications regarding the requirement to have the vehicle registered as an
OHV, regardless of whether or not it has a street plate.

I'm not sure that we need a separate access tag, though: is there any case
where the USFS (or another land manager) allows only those OHVs over 50"?
In most cases, I think either maxwidth= or atv:maxwidth= would be
appropriate, when the question is a max-width of 50", no?

On Tue, Sep 1, 2020 at 5:03 PM Mike Thompson <> wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 1, 2020 at 2:47 PM John Willis via Tagging <
>> wrote:
>> I would say that is a “motor_vehecle”
> Sure, it is a motor_vehicle, but it is just a subset of motor vehicles, so
> I don't think that tag would be appropriate.  For example it is possible
> that the FS would say that a given road is open to OHVs >50", but not
> motorcycles, but the tag motor_vehicle=yes implies motorcycle=yes.
> Mike
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