"length was refused as an official key for bench"

Why? Is there some valid reason, or maybe it was part of proposal that
failed for other reasons.

lying_hindrance=yes - there are some cases where it is fairly obvious, but
there are some borderline situations (like quite short benches that could
be used for many reasons, not necessarily to block sleeping on them).

Seems close to smoothness tag that is on edge of verifiviability.

Aug 23, 2020, 18:28 by tagging@openstreetmap.org:

> Hello,
> 1) I wish to tag benches that were designed to avoid that someone lie on it. 
> There has been some related discussions in the past (> 
> https://www.reddit.com/r/openstreetmap/comments/avbmsb/is_there_a_preferred_way_of_mapping_possible/>
>   and > 
> https://www.reddit.com/r/openstreetmap/comments/8rs7zf/how_to_map_antihomeless_bench/>
>   )
> but with no conclusion. It is possible that it has retained people to map 
> that kind of objects. Today, there is nearly no such information in OSM. 
> Maybe it is because it is not its place? Nobody expressed that clearly. 
> So, I started to use the tag > lying_hindrance=yes>  on some benches. In case 
> of doubts, this can be verified when doing surveys, by lying on the bench. 
> This could also be determined most of the time by looking at a few things. 
> The length of the bench, the presence of a slope, the presence of separation 
> between the seats of the bench, and by checking if it is a standing bench. 
> Note that length was refused as an official key for bench and that the key 
> for the separation doesn't exist (armrest does not specifically concern the 
> inner part of the bench). The tag could be extended by specifying the 
> hindrance type:  armrest, standing_bench, short_length, slope, ...
> What do you think about this tag? Do you have alternative ideas?
> 2) Also, I wish to map something else related to > hostile architecture 
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostile_architecture>> . I wish to map devices 
> that are placed near the entrance of shops to prevent people to sit there (> 
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGdHfvsCP7A> , > 
> https://twitter.com/ArticuleE/status/1222197697333145603> , > 
> https://twitter.com/ArticuleE/status/1215931276944924672> ). I was going to 
> add a combination of tags on the building where the shop is located:
> sitting_hindrance=yes 
> sitting_hindrance:location=street_side
> It can also be verified quite easily.  A general tag like 
> hostile_architecture={sitting_hindrance|lying_hindrance} would also be quite 
> useful for mappers to rapidly understand the purpose of these tags.
> What do you think about it?
> Thanks for your time
> Vucod

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