On Sat, 15 Aug 2020 at 02:36, Tod Fitch <t...@fitchfamily.org> wrote:

> One question I have on this is how much are the OS maps tailored to the UK
> environment?

The OS maps of the UK are very much tailored to the UK environment.  I
don't know if they are, or ever were, responsible for mapping portions of
the British Empire and possessions.

I’ve only been to the UK a couple of times but my impression is there isn’t
> much arid or even semi-arid land there to be mapped.

Not much.  Not any, that I can think of (but I don't know the entire UK in
detail).  That just means that we cannot look to Ordnance Survey for clues
to what tagging might be useful for arid areas.  It can still provide clues
what we might find useful when mapping terrain that is wet, cold, and full
sheep. :)  There is no point re-inventing the wheel, but we shouldn't assume
that other people's wheels are perfect.

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