Am 14.08.2020 um 14:51 schrieb Colin Smale:

On 2020-08-14 13:55, dktue wrote:

Am 14.08.2020 um 13:34 schrieb Colin Smale:

On 2020-08-14 13:14, dktue wrote:

    Am 14.08.2020 um 13:11 schrieb Yves:

        Base / mid / head?

    I'm definitely open for that! :-)

OK, two people agree on the strings to use, but what are the semantics? What sentence would go in the wiki to describe a) when to use the value and b) what the value implies once it is in the OSM data?
It sounds like it might be something like:
base: the end station with the lower altitude
head: the end station with the higher altitude
mid: any station, not being a base or a head station, irrespective of the altitude
note: based purely on altitude, not arrival/departure inclination
That sounds perfectly reasoneable to me!

As to which key to use, how about aerialway:station={base,mid,head}?
I suggested station={base,mid,head} because we're using aerial=station and then it seemed natural to go with station=* but I'd be definitely happy with aerialway:station=*.

I suggested aerialway:station=* precisely to avoid overloading station=* (different semantics under different circumstances).

As a native English speaker by the way I would suggest that "top" and "bottom" might be simpler instead of "base" and "head". Using easy words means you don't need to explain it to people who either don't know the words, or know them in a different context.

Well then it would be aerialway:station={bottom,mid,top}, right?
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