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> On 30. Jul 2020, at 02:17, Jarek Piórkowski <> wrote:
> You have to consider the purpose of the tag. To a wheelchair user,
> there might not be a lot of practical difference between 25 and 10 cm,
> because both are impassable.

wheelchair users are not the only addressee of kerb tags, and not every 
wheelchair user has a problem with a 4 cm kerb. Just 2 levels of kerbs, up to 
3cm and everything above, are clearly leading to a lack of basic information 
(people are rarely measuring the precise height, which would be an alternative).

IMHO there would be room for a regular kerb - if there wasn’t the “raised kerb” 
at 31mm. True raised kerbs may pose an obstacle even to pedestrians, 
particularly to those with reduced mobility. On the other hand they might 
provide more safety to pedestrians. Or might facilitate boarding and off 
boarding public transport vehicles.

Cheers Martin 
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