On Sat, 2020-07-25 at 16:42 +0200, Tobias Zwick wrote:
> If the date + *source* of the last change made on (the geometry of
> an) element was readily available, through the API or another meta-
> tag (source=bing, anyone? ;-) ), this would help to identify areas
> that should be updated because a new more current and/or detailed
> source became available.
> In Hamburg, we are lucky that the public authority provides us with
> really detailed up-to-date satellite imagery that are far beyond bing
> but there is no easy way to see which buildings and road geometries
> have still been mapped on the basis of bing and which are already
> using the better source.
> So in a nutshell, the topic of how to find things based on old
> sources is also very relevant for remote mappers.

Technically there is survey:date and source:date that may be on the
object, or (preferred now?) the changeset. So a quality assurance tool
could check that, however in practice they aren't nearly in use enough,
(editors using them by default would help), and there often isn't a
date attached to satellite imagery.

I also think they'd have to do multiple api calls to work it out, so it
could definitely be streamlined with a new api endpoint.


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