On 10/07/2020 19.51, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
On Sat, 11 Jul 2020 at 04:18, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
it is not so relevant for the international mailing list, because these
things tend to work differently in different countries.

Which proves the impossibility of trying to get one term to cover all
possible aspects interchangeably worldwide :-(

Right, which is why I wonder if we shouldn't enumerate the possibilities, pick some term in use for each, and use those consistently, local conventions be damned. That's approximately what I was trying to do. (I used the US terms, but I'm not saying we "should" use those.)

On 10/07/2020 14.17, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
IMHO this discussion is going offtopic as we generally do not map

I don't agree that it's off-topic. While I certainly agree we shouldn't map ownership as in "5 West Street is owned by Jacob Smith", I *am* arguing that we should map according to lots/deeds. (Personally, I would also like to map *lots*, but maybe that's just me.)

If you want to dig deep into american legislation specifics only, it
is not so relevant for the international mailing list, because these
things tend to work differently in different countries.
Last I checked, America isn't the only country that allows private land ownership.

Per the above reply to Graeme, the intent of the message to which you replied wasn't to enumerate US-specific ownership categories. It was meant as an initial attempt to produce a more general list. Yes, it uses US categories and terminology *because that's what I know*. I also stated that the list is likely incomplete.

Again, I think it would be helpful to have a list of lease/ownership types somewhere in order to establish a shared lexicon, so that we can point to it and know what is meant by "townhouse" rather than having people talk past each other because their definitions differ.

For the purposes of such a list, I would recommend combining what I listed as "row house" and "semi-detached". As for what these mean for mapping, that is *exactly* what this thread is all about. Right now we have clear guidelines for mapping apartments and detached houses, but everything "in between" is, as far as I can tell, muddy.


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