Well, recreational routes and networks simply are not that organized, and 
jurisdiction or authority doesn't apply to most of them. I guess that is why 
the values are more generic. 

I still don't understand why you tag "US" while it's obviously a bunch of roads 
in the US. or Interstate when the road clearly crosses state lines. I think 
that"s more redundant than tagging "we classify this route as a regional 
route", even though it might cross two national borders in a few places and 
half the roads are outside our borders, and we don't know the current operator 
or provider.

Peter Elderson

> Op 12 jul. 2020 om 23:41 heeft Mike Thompson <miketh...@gmail.com> het 
> volgende geschreven:
>> On Sun, Jul 12, 2020 at 9:53 AM Peter Elderson <pelder...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Aren't Interstate and US evident from the geographic extent as well?
> Yes, that is my point, or at least it is evident with the current mapping 
> practice.  Road routes are not tagged (at least not according to the wiki) 
> with network=nrn/rrn/etc.  Whether a road network is national, or otherwise, 
> is evident for two reasons:
> 1) All the routes with the same network tag will be spread across some 
> geographic extent. So, one could see that there are routes all across the US 
> with "network=US:I" and could conclude that this is a national network.
> 2) By the network tag itself, for example, in the "network=US:I" tag, there 
> is no smaller jurisdiction indicated after US, so it must be a national 
> network.
> If a hiking route was tagged with network=US:FS (Forest Servies) for example, 
> one could see that (if that practice was generally followed), that there the 
> Forest Service operates hiking routes all across the US (and not anywhere 
> else), and thus that such a network was national in scope.  And, the scope 
> would be evident from the network tag itself, as there is no smaller 
> jurisdiction following "US" in the network tag.
> In anyevent, my main point is we should be consistent and treat all route 
> relations the same.  If it is desirable to explicitly know the scope, why not 
> have a "scope" tag, or leave the scope in the network tag, and have a new tag 
> for "specific_network" (or whatever folks want to call it).
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