On 08/07/2020 10.21, Chris Hill wrote:
Google's Terms of Use prevent us reusing their Streetview in OSM, see section 2d.

"Apart from any license granted to you by Google, your use of the content may be acceptable under principles of 'fair use.' Fair use is a concept under copyright law in the U.S. that, generally speaking, permits you to use a copyrighted work in certain ways without obtaining a license from the copyright holder."

This smells a lot like how Red Hat prevents people from cloning them. Namely, they can't, because they don't have a legal leg to stand on as far as enforcing copyright claims against anyone doing so. What they *can* do is revoke the rights to use *their* services.

So, okay, I can see an argument that "copying" makes your use of Google maps unauthorized. I still can't see an argument where Google could come after OSM.


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