On Wed, 8 Jul 2020 at 10:29, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>

> as nobody has replied to this, I’m asking again: is a house really only a
> single dwelling building, or can there be a few more?

There are plenty of large houses, built for a single family (with servants)
have been split into several dwellings.  There may be several external
entrances or one entrance.  Is it still a house even though there are
multiple families?

>From the wiki: "A single dwelling usually inhabited by a single family..."
So multiple occupation is fine.  From the outside you might never know,
unless there are separate addresses marked in some way (such as a
door buzzer with multiple buttons).  If there is one dwelling per floor
then we have indoor mapping (but not, as yet, indoor rendering on
standard carto).

If dwellings are vertical slices then there's building:part or
mapping as individual buildings (so you can get 1A, 1B, etc.
to show).  In many cases I'd map it as a single building=house
and specify house number as 1A, 1B, 1C because I don't know
the internal layout.  Maybe in that case you could use
building=invent_new_value since anything other than
building=no will render (actually, I've never tested
building=no - maybe it also renders, which would be

Are these apartment buildings?
> https://valeriemichelledotcom.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/img_4289.jpg

No way of knowing from that picture.  Quite possibly built as large houses
for wealthy families, but would require historical knowledge to be sure.
May now be split into apartments, but would need closer inspection
to look for house numbers/buzzers/whatever.

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