On Fri, 3 Jul 2020 at 14:22, Jarek Piórkowski <ja...@piorkowski.ca> wrote:

> On Fri, 3 Jul 2020 at 05:47, Paul Allen <pla16...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > I think that coffee_shop and teahouse are not cuisines.   I'm not
> convinced
> > inventing drinks=* to show what they focus on is a good idea and that
> > description=* might be a better way of dealing with it (if the name of
> the
> > place doesn't give it away).
> I strongly disagree and would much prefer a newly specified drinks=*
> tag, or an "abused" cuisine tag, over a free-text description field.
> This is because the former is much more reliable for sake of machine
> readability (and also leaves description for anything else a mapper
> might like to note). This would be doubly the case if we also adopt
> this for espresso takeaway bars (as shown in Tan's instagram first
> link) with no seating or very limited seating.

That's what happens when I try to avoid upsetting people by
suggesting a compromise. :)

I think there is only one good way of handling a drink that is the
primary focus: make it the only drink that has drink:*=yes.  As far
as the user can tell from the map, that's all the shop sells.

Now you're going to tell me they sell other stuff too.  To which
I counter, maybe it's the other stuff I'm looking for.  And you're
going to counter that by saying that they're really good at
the stuff that is their primary focus and bad at the others.
And I respond that if they're so bad at the others it's
better we don't list them.  You come back by saying that
now you think about it, they're pretty good at all of them
and I respond by saying there's no need to focus on one
of them.

I think common sense has to play a part here.  We don't
list the entire inventory of every shop we map because
it's impossible.  Somewhere with a coffee machine that's
a hybrid of a church organ and a steam train may also sell
tea and juice, but probably not in anywhere near as many
varieties/sizes/combinations, so they can be omitted or
relegated to the description.  Or we go the other way and
list every drink sold by a pub, and all the flavours of all
the snacks it sells, and the flavours and textures of the
condoms sold by the vending machine in the toilets
(and we then need a way of specifying which flavour of
condom the vending machine focuses on).

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