Le 11.05.20 à 14:42, Paul Allen a écrit :
> On Mon, 11 May 2020 at 10:58, s8evq wrote:
>     What's you counter argument to the people suggesting that contact:*
>     makes it easier for data consumers to gather all contact info in one
>     go, instead of hard coding all the possible keys. What if next year
>     a new way of contacting comes up?
> For mappers, no purpose.  They use the editor preset

your answer is precisely the *problem* in the question
every new contact need a new preset in stead of query taginfo
and show top X contact:*
same problem for the user of the data. if somebody wants to display
all the details of a shop, he has to make a hardcoded list of phone
website... instead of being able to display all the contacts:* that
the osm contributor has filled in.

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