"More seriously, attraction=carillon would be appropriate for one in a theme park
or the like but I don't think it suitable for a carillon housed in a bell tower of a
church where it is out of sight (but, sadly, not out of hearing). I'd suggest that
if attraction=carillon is added to the wiki then the wiki should mention that
this is for visible carillons that are attractions and not for those housed in
bell towers of churches."
Okay, I agree with that. So maybe we have to differentiate there. In Germany, Wuppertal, we have this one: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wuppertaler-rundschau.de%2Fimgs%2F90%2F6%2F6%2F1%2F5%2F2%2F3%2F3%2F1%2Ftok_c9e6f7468287079da535ae974baefdef%2Fw1900_h2533_x1626_y1911_Glockenspiel2__2_-082bcb875d8144ff.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wuppertaler-rundschau.de%2Flokales%2Fabeler-glockenspiel-in-wuppertal-das-wird-noch-etwas-dauern_aid-45498633&tbnid=lYCN3tKcBM3PDM&vet=12ahUKEwiWusH2rZ_pAhUI44UKHRglDlsQMygAegUIARDZAQ..i&docid=GFai1JWBTqZgpM&w=1900&h=2533&q=glockenspiel%20wuppertal&ved=2ahUKEwiWusH2rZ_pAhUI44UKHRglDlsQMygAegUIARDZAQ
It's inside a building or rather covered by it, but it's function is like a tourism=attraction, and for me there is no tower really, so I came on the attraction=*-key. For those in bell towers of churches man_made=tower or man_made=bell_tower might be appropiate, but actually these tags are describing only the tower and it's type/building-type, not the carillon itself.
I don't know whether a carillon inside a bell_tower needs an own tag, but I think those like the one in the picture needs.
or rather
man_made=bell(s) could be used for other "bells", too, but I'm not sure whether this is needed. amenity=bell has 198 uses, but I resist in putting also this feature into the amenity=* key [again].
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 06. Mai 2020 um 13:59 Uhr
Von: "Paul Allen" <pla16...@gmail.com>
An: "Tag discussion, strategy and related tools" <tagging@openstreetmap.org>
Betreff: Re: [Tagging] Is there any tagging scheme for carillons already?
Von: "Paul Allen" <pla16...@gmail.com>
An: "Tag discussion, strategy and related tools" <tagging@openstreetmap.org>
Betreff: Re: [Tagging] Is there any tagging scheme for carillons already?
On Wed, 6 May 2020 at 12:14, <lukas-...@web.de> wrote:
In the wiki I found bell_tower=* (but without a carillon-specific value) and I think a carillon does not have to be a bell_tower at all, so these are two different things.
According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carillon they're typically found in bell
towers but do not have to be. The first two examples on that page are not in
So if there is no real specific tagging for carillons at the moment, I would want to start a proposal of attractrion=carillon, but before I wanted to hear some opinions
If I lived near one I might want to tag it nuisance=carillon or annoyance=carillon
rather than attraction=carillon.
More seriously, attraction=carillon would be appropriate for one in a theme park
or the like but I don't think it suitable for a carillon housed in a bell tower of a
church where it is out of sight (but, sadly, not out of hearing). I'd suggest that
if attraction=carillon is added to the wiki then the wiki should mention that
this is for visible carillons that are attractions and not for those housed in
bell towers of churches.
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