Le 04.05.20 à 23:19, Paul Allen a écrit :
> On Mon, 4 May 2020 at 21:59, Marc M. wrote:
>     - avoid having 2 tags for the same thing.
>     it's bad for both contributors and data-uses.
> Except we don't all agree that they are for the same thing, 
> not even phone and contact:phone

read the page about forests (or the current discussion on
leisure=common): it doesn't matter *anymore* if some contributors make
a difference between the 2, in the end it's impossible to separate the
different meanings.
The only solution is to create other tags to better describe
this difference.

> I've added URLs for historic buildings
> that give more information about the building.

as for the plate, imho I would use website, but maybe url=*
you said you added an url :)

but if it's a valid argument, let's split the issue in 2 :
for all poi (shop, office, craft, bar, restaurant), does phone
and contact:phone have the same meaning or you have another undocumented
meaning that explain it's not the same ?
and email<>contact:email ?

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