Martin Koppenhoefer <> writes:

> So the question is how we can solve this. We could discourage the use of
> the "naked ele" and encourage to always use a more specific subtag, e.g.

But is there significant amounts of data that have ele as ellipsoidal
height, more so than the prevalence of somewhat wrong data in OSM?   If
not, there is nothing to be gained from tag churn.

> - ele:egm96= to mean ele referring to the EGM96 geoid

Again this makes life difficult for data consumers.  Plus it's EGM08
now, and approximately zero people are clear on which of these flavors
they or any device are using.

> - ele:wgs84= to mean ele based on the WGS84 ellipsoid (or maybe

This is very confusing and therefore a bad idea.  Elevation in WGS84 is
obviously, to those who really understand height, intended to mean heigh
above geoid.  Nobody with the slightest respect for existing practice
would ever use the word "elevation" to mean "height above ellipsoid".

And, I don't think we should encourage HAE to be stored in OSM at all.

> "ele:ellipsoid" which would imply the WGS84 ellipsoid?)

Also very confusing, as in the US ellipsoidal heights are often relative
to the NAD83 ellipsoid.  However, people that use them are clear on what
they are doing and they are labeled correctly.

> and whichever height reference system is used, e.g.
> - ele:dhhn92
> - ele:tm75
> and more:
> - ele:regional for "I have no idea but it was written on a sign", could
> still be a way to be expressive about the reliability. For many use cases
> +- 50m is better than no information. We could also keep "ele" for this
> like you suggested, although it wouldn't be explicit then.

This really feels like solving a non-problem.  If you just put what's
on the sign in ele, and don't worry about it, that's ok.  If somebody
else actually makes a valid, hard-core measuremnt, and fixes it, even
better.  But this is just like having approximate horizontal coordinates
- if a hotel is 10m off from where  it should be, that's stil useful and
somebody can and will fix it later.

You still haven't articulated that there is a real problem  to be
solved, or made an argument that my proposal for ele and ele:datum is

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