On Sat, 2 May 2020 at 16:21, António Madeira <antoniomade...@gmx.com> wrote:
> I'm not very knowledgable about relations, and I'm sorry if I'm a bit 
> confused here, but doesn't a restriction relation means the exact opposite of 
> what's intended here?
> I mean, I want to apply a STOP sign to a given lane (in a way with two lanes, 
> for example) and force its action to a given direction on the new road ahead.

IMO, a relation helps here because you can define the route which the
rule applies to - it only applies going "from" a certain way and "to"
a certain way, and specifically applies at a given "position".

Then it is just a matter of choosing what type of relation works best,
or creating a new type.

> If neither relation scheme (enforcement or restriction) can be applied here 
> (for complexity or incompatibility reasons), why not use the existing lanes 
> scheme?
> Like this:
> highway=stop
> stop:lanes=yes|no
> stop:turn:lanes=left

Personally I've always seen highway=stop on a node, and I'm not sure
:lanes tagging makes sense on a node (a point doesn't have lanes).
You'd definitely need to add at least direction=forward/backward if
tagging a node. But I wouldn't be opposed to that scheme in general.


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