A shelf/box/fridge where people drop off and pick up food in the sense of free 
sharing and/or to reduce food waste.


I have made some changes in the proposal of amenity=food_sharing to give more 
clarity about what you can expect in this facility. I want to start voting in a 
few days.

Does anyone have any additions or comments?

Best regards

Markus (ToastHawaii)

Von: Markus Peloso<>
Gesendet: Freitag, 28. Februar 2020 10:36
An: Tag discussion, strategy and related tools<>
Betreff: Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Food sharing

Hi Hauke

Thank you for your inputs (and warnings ;) ). Free choice is important to me.

I added the covered=* tag to the list. And add contact:* as a possible 

I see the list of combinations more as a suggestion/inspiration, so that useful 
(or preferred) combinations can always be added to the POIs without being on 
the list.

Best regards, Markus

Von: Hauke Stieler<>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2020 19:41
Betreff: Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Food sharing


sometimes people just use boxes or the basket of an old bicycle for food
sharing purposes. Because they are usually not inside a building or
something, I would add the "covered=*" tag to your list.

I also would use the "contact:*" keys (for the website, facebook, other
social media channels, etc.). The "contact:facebook" key is also used
more often and I personally like the contact scheme. Some boxed may also
have other contact options (email, phone, instagram, twitter, ...). I
know the whole contact-scheme-thing might end up in a large discussion,
but I just wanted to mention it.

But the general proposal looks good, the tagging is simple and
everything is straight forward :)


On 26.02.20 09:47, Markus Peloso wrote:
> «A shelf/box/fridge where people drop off and pick up food in the sense
> of free sharing and/or to reduce food waste.»
> Hi
> I added the current proposal for food sharing I made to the wiki.
> What do you think about it?
> Best regards
> Markus
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