On 21/4/20 5:31 am, Florimond Berthoux wrote:
Hi Hidde, welcome,
The wiki definition is « Used to indicate that a particular location
is known by a particular name, to indicate what sort of "place" it is.
A place tag should exist for every significant human settlements
(city, town, suburb, etc.) and also for notable unpopulated, named
places. »
So place is used to precise that :
1. there is place at this position or on this area
2. it has a name
3. to define what kind of place
So by the definition I see no issue of having place without a name
tag, as long as it has a name :)
Errr If it has a name, tag it. If you don't know its name then how do
you know it is a place?
This is different than landuse for instance :
A farm has the landuse farmyard, and may have other landuse like
greenhouse_horticulture, plant_nursery, orchard, meadow, ...
A barn alone or with some other building in the middle of a meadow can
has landuse=farmyard but it’s not a farm, it could has a
place=locality if it has a name.
If a building has a name then use the name tag on the building, do not
add a tag place=* to it!
Le sam. 18 avr. 2020 à 22:23, Hidde Wieringa <hi...@hiddewieringa.nl
<mailto:hi...@hiddewieringa.nl>> a écrit :
This is the first time posting to this mailing list. In case this
is the wrong place to post my question, feel free to point me to
the correct mailing list/forum.
I opened an issue in the OSM carto Github repository
with the question if places tagged with place=* but without a name
could be rendered. The follow-up pull request
proposes a rendering for unnamed places.
A discussion erupted, about the conceptual consequences of
rendering a place without a name. This goes against the wiki
(https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:place) where the tag
name=* is marked as required. The first line in the wiki is /"Used
to indicate that a particular location is known by a particular
name, to indicate what sort of "place" it is. [...]"/. However
indicating what sort of place it is, does not require a name.
Indicating that a place of some sort exists at a certain location
is also valuable data (a quick count of Nigeria gives ~9800 nodes
of places without a name versus ~69000 nodes of places with a name).
I wish to question the assumption that every place always has or
requires a name. The comment of 'sommerluk' on the Github issue
indicates that there may indeed be small populated places without
a name, although larger populated places always have a name in
Also, regions of the world where on-the-ground mapping is not
popular will mostly be mapped by remote mappers. Because of that,
mapped places will usually not get a name (yet), because mappers
are not locally familiar with the place. The data is still useful
for humanitarian aid (for example see
for the many projects in the HOT tasking manager for improving
data in Nigeria, in particular missing residential areas).
Rendering these places in a visual way makes using the data
easier. Later, the unnamed places could still be given a name by a
mapper with that knowledge.
The tough question is when some place is considered a 'place' and
may be mapped when the name is unknown.
I am curious about further reactions on this topic.
Kind regards,
/Hidde Wieringa/
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Florimond Berthoux
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