Am So., 19. Apr. 2020 um 17:53 Uhr schrieb Robert Castle <>:

> I noticed that some businesses are polygons whereas others are points
> within a polygon. I was wondering which way is correct.

both is correct, although they are not equal. With polygons, you also
convey information about size, shape and orientation, while with
nodes/points, you only give information about the position.

As adding a shape for every small business is a lot of work, and it doesn't
change much in practical terms because they are all more of less of the
"expected" size for a small business, many such objects are mapped only as
nodes. The bigger the thing gets, the more interesting it becomes to add it
as a polygon, usually.

Generally, polygons are superior to nodes and should not be "converted" to
nodes, while converting nodes to polygons seems vantageous.

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