Yes, but it need at least an attempt to reach to a few big contributors of this 
tag to discuss it. As often with specialized tags, this list may lacks some 
Actually I found one reference of mtb=* as an access tag here:
So maybe it isn't worth it. 

Le 5 avril 2020 11:52:26 GMT+02:00, Andrew Harvey <> a 
écrit :
>I agree with Martin here, if tags are used but not documented on the
>discussion on the mailing lists or through a proposal process, how
>such tags hold any meaning? Different editors probably add it to mean
>different things. We can't really make any assumptions about what they
>mean, which is why this whole discussion exists so we can have some
>kind of
>contract between people entering tags and people consuming data, so we
>a shared understanding of the meaning of those tags.
>Anyone who's used the mtb= tags so far, it would be great to hear what
>was meant to mean.
>On Sun, 5 Apr 2020 at 19:08, Martin Koppenhoefer
>> Am So., 5. Apr. 2020 um 11:03 Uhr schrieb Yves <>:
>>> As a side note: I would be worried to redefine the mtb=yes/no tag
>that is
>>> not documented but widely used.
>> how can it be "redefined" if there isn't documentation about it?
>> Cheers
>> Martin
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