But highway=path is for unspecified, mixed use or generic paths. A
> designated mountain bike track is not that, it's a path specifically for
> bicycles.
> If mountain bike tracks should be tagged as highway=path, then the
> definition of path needs to be changed to not be an unspecified or mixed
> use path.
If the MTB path is not open to pedestrians, you add foot=no, and possibly
horse=no, in addition to your mtb:scale tags

Sure, you could say if you have a cycleway with smoothness=horrible and
tracktype=grade5 and foot=no and horse=no  you have the same thing, but

Please keep paths that can only be used by MTB clearly different from
>> cycleways that can be used non-MTB bicycles.
> I always assumed that's what the mtb:*=* tags were for, but smoothness= is
> also suitable here since it even lists specific types of bicycles which
> would be suitable http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:smoothness
Yes, the mtb: tags would in theory be able to convert als a cycleway in an
MTB track - see above, but it is much simpler to keep the meaning that a
cycleway is a cycleway and implies that you can use it with a normal
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