On 25/2/20 6:09 pm, Jez Nicholson wrote:
Temporal events really do not belong in OSM. I can see a good argument
for Parkruns (the route exists in between runs and is used every
week), or for annual shows held on a permanent showground, Christmas
markets less so.
Delete it.
These shows do take place at a permanent site.
They take place annually, floods, fire, droughts and wars excepted.
The dates may vary depending on various things, but usually around the
same time each year.
They are part of Australian culture, and it would seem British culture.
If some events are allowed, then why are others of seemingly equal worth
to be deleted?
An example of varying dates, a rodeo rather than a 'show';
6 - 9 August 2020
12 - 15 August 2021
11- 14 August 2022
On Tue, 25 Feb 2020, 06:45 Graeme Fitzpatrick, <graemefi...@gmail.com
<mailto:graemefi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
On Tue, 25 Feb 2020 at 13:47, Joseph Eisenberg
<joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com <mailto:joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com>>
But this event seems to be similar to an American “county
fair”, maybe? There is entertainment, music, food, expositions
of local crafts and produce, equestrian events, etc, lasting a
week or so?
All that, but "small" town are shows usually only for a weekend,
sometimes only 1 day, sometimes stretched out to a 3-day long weekend.
Each (most?) Oz state capital city also has an annual "Show"
(under a variety of names) which is the same again on a grand
scale, which lasts for ~10 days
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