On Fri, 7 Feb 2020 at 10:47, Paul Allen <pla16...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 6 Feb 2020 at 23:29, Andrew Harvey <andrew.harv...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I disagree with the whole premise. To me both building=yes+ruins=yes and
>> ruins:building=yes means exactly the same thing and should be interpreted
>> the same way.
> But they AREN'T.  The way you suggested was the correct way to tag a ruined
> building DOES NOT RENDER.  And you never even noticed, you just made a
> blind assumption and told me how to do things based upon your incorrect
> assumption.

To be honest I don't really mind if it renders on the default renderer or
not, I care what the data says. People can and do make their own maps, if I
want a map to show ruined buildings to capture all the data at the moment
you need to check for both those tags.

> You can't say on one is when you want it rendered on the map and one to
>> hide it. That's essentially a render=yes/no tag, which I don't think has
>> any place in OSM.
> Really?  Explain to me the difference between building=yes +
> disused:amenity=place_of_worship and building=yes.  Both
> render as buildings.  Neither render as a place of worship.  One has
> additional
> information that is of use to people.  If you have your way, I  can and
> decide whether or not something should render as a place of worship by the
> presence or absence of amenity=place_of_worship and that tagging will be
> entirely correct and match reality on the ground.  You just want me to
> tag in a way that loses information.  I see no merit in that.

Both mean there is an intact building there, in one case it's a place of
worship that's closed down/not operating but still has some evidence on the
ground that it's a place of worship. The other case, it says nothing about

Okay so I'll ask you a question then, on the ground what's the difference
between building=yes+ruins=yes and ruins:building=yes.

In what on the ground situation would you have one render but the other one
not render?
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