On Thu, 6 Feb 2020 at 15:19, Jmapb via Tagging <tagging@openstreetmap.org>

> The current description of "approved" on
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposal_process is:
> > A rule of thumb for enough support is 8 unanimous approval votes or at
> least 10 votes with more than 74 % approval
Reading that, and that alone, abstentions count.  10 people vote yes, 5
vote no, and 5 people vote to abstain.  Therefore, of all the votes cast,
50% approve.  There are hundreds of people who could have voted, but of
those that bothered to vote, 5 abstained.  And that's the point: they
bothered to
vote in a way that was NOT "approve."  They aren't in the silent hundreds
who do not participate, they participate and they do NOT approve (which is
not the same thing as disapproval).

> The current description of "abstain" on
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Template:Proposal_Page is:
> > If you don't want to vote but have comments
That contradicts the implications of the "74%" sentence.  And both
the technical meaning of abstention:
because an abstention means that no vote is cast. In the tagging vote, what
referred to as an abstention is technically a spoilt vote:
In some jurisdictions, spoilt votes ARE counted, and it appears that in the
tagging votes have treated spoilt votes as if they count.

> Someone who chooses "abstain" according to this template presumably
> believes they are merely commenting, *not* voting. If they wanted their
> vote to count as the equivalent to "no," they'd vote "no"... right?
And if they wanted to comment but not vote they'd add their comment to the
talk page instead.  Right?

> Maybe the "abstain" option should be removed altogether. But in the
> meantime it seems irregular to tally votes according to different rules
> than those that were documented when the vote occurred.
Those rules are somewhat open to interpretation.  It would be good to
them, if we can agree on what they actually mean and/or what they ought
to mean (I have some doubts that we can).

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