On 05-02-2020 15:46, Christoph Hormann wrote:
> the semantic ambiguity of the > 350k cases where barrier tags are currently 
> used as a secondary tag on 
> landuse/leisure/etc. polygons to incidate the polygon is enclosed by a 
> linear barrier.

The PR specifically removes the filled rendering from `barrier=hedge`
mapped with `area=yes` from 36665 hedges.

There are 36665 hedges mapped with `area=yes`. These appear to be mostly
used for hedges drawn as an area, which follows the existing documented
convention. The PR effectively deprecates the combination of
`barrier=hedge` plus `area=yes` for hedges drawn as areas, because
`area=yes` may have been intended for one of the other tags on that
entity (which breaks the 'one feature, one object' good practice),
without providing an alternative.

No one is disputing that `barrier=hedge` on a polygon without `area=yes`
should not be considered a filled area. That part of the PR is good and
does not break the existing convention.

> it should be noted that barrier=hedge is currently 
> not the dominant method of mapping strips of trees or bushes with 
> polygons
A hedge is not the same as bushes or trees. Where bushes or clumps of
trees may form some sort of barrier (although you can often barge
through them), hedges predominantly are.

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