On Sun, 2 Feb 2020 at 02:12, Paul Allen <pla16...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, 1 Feb 2020 at 15:49, St Niklaas <st.nikl...@live.nl> wrote:
>> IMHO it is never a well taken decision to tag a path / bridleway for
>> walking or pedestrians at the same time. Ill shut up when walking a path
>> and Equestrians have been using the same trail or path, a horseshoe tends
>> to spoil the surface ruinous. Only a rocky hillside trail could stand it.
>> I would not consider a bridleway as anything else despite Andy’s opinion.
> bridleways may be used by pedestrians and cyclists as well
> as by equestrians.  Some bridleways may not be suitable for all
> pedestrians,
> but legally they are permitted to at least try to use them.
In our Hinterland, which is heavily forested, at least some of the fire
trails (usually quite, to very!, rough vehicle tracks intended for use by
Rural Fire Service / National Parks to be able get in to fight bush fires
in inaccessible areas) are signposted as equestrian & cycle paths, but make
absolutely no mention of walkers, either allowing or forbidding?


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