On 08/12/19 10:43, Martin Scholtes wrote:
Am 07.12.2019 um 09:33 schrieb Warin:
park_drive=no for parking of customers only or private.
These should already be tagged with an access tag to say this .. so it
is redundant?
This form should not be explicitly stated but rather understood as
implicit values. Similar to highway=footway, footway=designated implies.

It should be understood from the access tag that it excludes all others.

park_drive=yes where car pool parking is ok.
In my country this is the default. Unless there is some time limit
(and that limit would apply to all) then it is ok to park there for
any reason. The time limit should be indicated by some other tag .. so
this is redundant?
After a lot of thinking I will =yes out, because it is already covered
with designated or informal.
park_drive=informal for car pool parking that is neither allowed nor
forbidden??? No. It cannot be both 'not allowed' and 'not forbidden'.
by =informal we mean that there is no explicit sign for parking and
forming or driving in carpools, similar to =yes. For example, there are
parking lots that are often used to form carpools, but are not intended,
so parking lots for hikers.

Then I would leave this out. It is open to all, excludes no one.

park_drive=designated for car pool parking only?? Then it is an access
tag like access=customers.
=designated describes explicitly designated parking spaces at, for
example, motorway junctions that are public.

If it is only, only, for car pool parking then an access tag such as 
access=carpool would do.

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