Welcome Martin,

a mailing list like this is probably not the right place to get into the community. Instead head over to a group on Reddit, Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, Discord, IRC, Matrix etc.

For Telegram see here: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/List_of_OSM_centric_Telegram_accounts

If you tell me the country and the communication platform you prefer I can help you. Alternatively head over to https://wiki.osm.org and type in the country you're living in in the search bar. You probably find a list of local communities in your country there.

My e-mail address: tilmanreine...@yahoo.de
My Telegram account: @valornaram
My OSM account: https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Valor%20Naram


Sören Reinecke alias Valor Naram

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (contact:phone)
To: Sören Reinecke via Tagging

Hi there,

-I don't have much experience with OSM.
-I find the proposition of unifying the usage quite logical.
-Now that I've read some responses, I understand why the community could be against.

I'm amazed at how harsh people are against Sören. He's been putting some time to help, and the reversal of the proposal made sense when considering the voters' explanations on the wiki page.

Reading a thread like this honestly won't encourage any participation from outsiders (myself included)
And I'm not speaking about the x-th response, the firsts were already aggressive.
Tagging mailing list

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