Hello everyone,

I question I have been wondering about for a while:

How do you correctly apply the name tag to a forest? I have seen and heard 
about some different approaches:

1) Add a node approximately in the middle of the forest with the name tag 
together with place=locality

2) Sometime the name tag is put together with the landuse=forest tag. That 
could work, except for when it's a multipolygon, like this example: 
https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/1443126 The "problem" with this is that 
meadows, parking lots and lakes are not included and would not fall under this 
name (they are members of the MP with the role 'inner')

3) Draw a new way around the outline of the forest and put the name tag on 
that. The problem with this approach is that you need an additional main tag 
together with the name. Sometimes leisure=nature_reserve could work (example 
https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/681749435), but of course not always. What 
other main tag could be added here?

Any other or better approaches?

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