Thanks Clifford,
I've tried to use your tagging system in an area close where I live. You
can find here the way ( and
here a picture from Google Streetview
Is this what you're proposing?
I think a few mapping examples could help in better understanding the
On 16/11/19 17:17, Clifford Snow wrote:
On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 11:22 PM Alessandro Sarretta
< <>>
There are a couple of things that are not totally clear to me:
* in general, might these tags apply also to areas, rather than
only ways?
We already have highway=pedestrian. Are you suggesting that we also
have highway=pedestrian + pedestrian=access_aisle? I probably wouldn't
map an access aisle as an area but I'd be interested in hearing more.
No Clifford, I'm wondering if the area of the access_aisle could be
mapped as an independent area (polygon instead of line), aside of the
parking_space area.
* I am a bit confused by /accessible_van/. Does it refer to vans
instead of cars? In this case I think it is not an information
related to the aisle, but to the parking_space. If it is still
for disabled persons, shouldn't it be access_aisle=disabled
Vans can be equipped with either ramps or lifts to load and unload
wheelchairs. The ramps and lifts require an extra wide space, in the
US, it's 8 feet, about 2.4 meters. These vans are quite common in the
US. I haven't seen any cars similarly equipped.
If the aisle is for disabled people, I'd use access_aisle=disabled.
Maybe we can add some quantitative details as width=* to describe the
extra space.
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