8 Nov 2019, 09:47 by dieterdre...@gmail.com:

> sent from a phone
>> On 7. Nov 2019, at 18:54, Jmapb via Tagging <>> tagging@openstreetmap.org 
>> <mailto:tagging@openstreetmap.org>>> > wrote:
>> Maybe I'm missing something here but I don't see any reason why      data 
>> consumers, including the bicycle modes of routing engines,      should ever 
>> interpret bicycle=no in a way that permits walking      bicycles.
> the tag “bicycle” according to the access tag wiki page is about "cyclists": 
> > https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:access 
> <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:access>>  and the context is that it 
> is about the vehicle (and not for example a professional cyclist walking or 
> driving in a car). Whether or not this includes people pushing a bike may 
> depend on the local legislation. It is not uncommon to see the mode of 
> transport as the mode of transport (i.e. if you are walking but carry a 
> bicycle, you will typically still be considered a pedestrian). In Italy and 
> Germany at least, but likely in many other places, bicycle=no means you may 
> not ride a bike there, but it also means you can push a bike or even 
> motorbike unless there are restrictions for pedestrians as well. 
It is result of (at least in Poland) cyclist riding on vehicle being considered 
as a vehicle,
but cyclist walking and pushing bike considered as a pedestrian and vehicle 
when not
in use is AFAIK not considered as a vehicle, at least for traffic law purposes.

>> This is exactly why we have a bicycle=dismount tag.
> IMHO we have this tag because in some places there are signs that state: 
> "cyclists dismount". 

>> Carrying a bicycle is an edge case that might deserve its own      value -- 
>> bicycle=carried works for me. And if we need further      refined values to 
>> explicitly permit a folding bike or      bike-in-a-box, no problem: 
>> bicycle=folded, bicycle=boxed.
> It is not a super rare edge case, people carrying folded bikes in a carrying 
> bag is common in some places, e.g. train stations or subways. I would see 
> this as a different kind of restriction if you are not allowed to bring 
> certain things with you even as a pedestrian (e.g. no food, no beverages, no 
> bicycles, no firearms, no fireworks, no animals, no camera equipped 
> cellphones, no umbrellas, no google glass, no hats, ...), hence would not 
> reuse the "bicycle" key for stating this.

>> (Special permission for extreme weather should be encoded with      some 
>> variation of the conditional access tag scheme.)
> +1
In Poland it is countrywide law applying for all sidewalks, not signed anywhere.

I think that utility of tagging it explicitly is low, just do not add 
bicycle=no to sidewalks where not
signed as "no cycling".
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