I presume you would also be able to use most of the existing barrier values
from https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:barrier?

How do you think it should would it work if you have multiple, say a nature
strip (the section of grass or small trees between the sidewalk and road)
AND some other barrier like a guard rail and/or a curb?

On Fri, 25 Oct 2019 at 12:23, Taskar Center <uwt...@uw.edu> wrote:

> Hi,
> This is a corollary discussion to the one raised earlier this week about
> unprotected pedestrian lanes.
> Even in protected pedestrian paths and sidewalks, it is useful to know
> what kind of borders the path has.
> Is it buffered by grass streetside?
> Is there a wall on one side?
> Is there a kerb/curb streetside?
> The discussion about pedestrian lanes focused both on access (who has
> right of way) and paint vs. keen barrier; i.e., specifically about whether
> the pedestrian path was/was not merely marked by paint markers. I believe
> we should suggest a tag that more generally would allow description of what
> protection/border demarcates the lane.
> Assuming pedestrian paths as entities
> (highway = footway
> footway = sidewalk/footpath, etc)
> is there current support for describing the path borders by a tag like:
> footway:border:streetside = kerb/paint/grass/brick/wall/vegetation
> Regards,
> Anat
> Sent from my mobile. Please excuse brevity and typos.
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