I think describing these as "flood prone" in some way is a good idea.

I imagine you've already mapped the individual features: the levees
(man_made=dyke), the individual basins and so on. I wouldn't want to
map the whole area as water + intermittent=yes because the water is
only rarely present.

Perhaps we need a new tag to map a whole area as flood prone? I've
seen that on French and Australian topo maps there is a specific
rendering for areas that are "subject to inundation".


On 10/24/19, John Willis via Tagging <tagging@openstreetmap.org> wrote:
> I am aware of the underground basins that are dedicated to the task, but I
> am wondering how to map above-ground basins that are used as regular land
> 360+ days of the year - something you don't have to deal with when mapping
> the underground tanks.
> ~~~~~
> The rest is not important, but read on if you Want.
> Yea, Thats in Tokyo on the Arakawa/Edo rivers, the the Tokyo metro area. The
> start of the Edo river is a lock-controlled flow from the Tone - as the
> larger Tone goes off to the Pacific 70 Km north of Tokyo (it doesn't
> discharge into Tokyo Bay).
> As I understand it, those tanks manage the water going into the system in
> Tokyo itself, absorbing the flow from the smaller channels/rivers in Tokyo
> (Tokyo is big and flat) and buffering it before it gets discharged into the
> rivers, absorbing what would normally be trapped behind the River levees.
> The Tokyo tank system couldn't handle the river flow directly (it's immense)
> - The rivers channeling water down through the region just use extra-wide
> and tall 8-10m levees to provide ~ 10-15x normal flow volume to the sea.
> (The river goes from 1-2m deep to 8-9m deep, and doubles in width)
> Small towns in my area (pictured) were flooded not by a levee breach, but by
> water trapped outside the levee that couldn't get into the river through the
> normal gates.
> The Tokyo system prevents that from happening - though I wonder if it could
> absorb even a quarter of what the Usuichi trapped. The Usuichi is gigantic.
> Javbw
>> On Oct 24, 2019, at 9:08 PM, Paul Allen <pla16...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Thu, 24 Oct 2019 at 10:56, John Willis via Tagging
>>> <tagging@openstreetmap.org> wrote:
>>> Inside, there are three “retarding basins”  (numbered 1, 2 & 3), with #1
>>> having with a large traditional reservoir, parks, golf course, and sports
>>> grounds inside.
>> There is more to the system than that.  There are also underground holding
>> tanks and
>> tunnels: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfJOW2PtrGk
>> --
>> Paul

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