On 09/10/19 21:55, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
Am Mi., 9. Okt. 2019 um 12:46 Uhr schrieb Vɑdɪm <vadp.d...@gmail.com <mailto:vadp.d...@gmail.com>>:

    .... Otherwise, as
    pointed out earlier by some people, in some contexts you'd sunbath
    nearly everywhere.


    In this picture you'd see 2 different bathing establishments
    (stabilimenti balneari). One of them which is at the foreground also
    has a bar, probably some sanitary facilities, etc.

what about places where sunbathing is mandatory? Situations in France from 3 years ago come to mind, where burkas and burkinis have been banned from public beaches. Could this be tagged as "sunbathing=mandatory"? Or should the tags refer to dress code?

That is a dress code. Does not ban a rashy, a wetsuit, a wedding gown or a 3 piece suit.
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