I think it's enough for a road to have a roughly similar route to be called
a Roman road.

I think the tag historic=roman_road or historic=road should at least
resemble something historic. If only the route is historic, then adding
something like historic=route to the type=route relation might be better.

On Sat, Sep 14, 2019, 20:22 Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>

> sent from a phone
> > On 13. Sep 2019, at 19:42, Paul Allen <pla16...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > BTW, a better way for marking Roman roads would be to use
> historic=roman_road.  It's a
> > lapsed proposal, and doesn't show even on lutz's historic places map,
> but it would allow
> > a simple overpass-turbo query and might even let you map them with uMap
> (going by
> > the amount of data in just one Roman road, that's probably
> impracticable, though).  It's
> > been used 2000 times, so you could probably use it without a formal
> proposal.
> yes, or historic=road with historic:civilization=ancient_roman
> I’ve used both variants in the past but just had a second thought: is this
> about roads that are still with the original paving or also applicable to
> roads that were built by the romans but now have different paving (and
> maybe are wider, and maybe even left the original position for small parts)?
> Cheers Martin
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