Am Mi., 11. Sept. 2019 um 19:01 Uhr schrieb Paul Allen <>:

> Rule 1: We only tag terminal instantiations which are unique objects, not
> categories.
> It is appropriate to use wikidata=Q275 for the Forth Railway Bridge; it is
> not appropriate
> to use wikidata=Q8471277 (category railway bridges) for the Forth Railway
> Bridge.
> Nor is it appropriate to use wikidata=532 (category village) for a village
> which does
> not have its own unique wikidata reference.

we do have wikidata subtags which will not always be used only for terminal
We also have wikidata refs for tags in the wiki.

> Rule 2: "Lesser" objects goegraphically within an object that has a
> wikidata entry do not
> inherit that wikidata entry.  If the wikidata entry is for a particular
> town then objects
> within the town do not also get that wikidata tag.  My street is within
> the town
> of Cardigan but does not get the wikidata tag for Cardigan, nor does a
> lamp post
> on that street, nor does my house.  Two reasons: first, it would lead to a
> massive
> proliferation of tags; second, an article about Cardigan doesn't tell you
> about my
> house or the nearby lamp post.

to give a practical example:

How should these be linked to OSM?
These are moving targets, they change nature every now and then
(administrative entity, or not, etc.).
The basic assumption that crosslinked wikipedia articles are about the same
thing, already breaks, because different ("groups of") articles are
structured differently, what has one article in one language may have
several in another language.

> Rule 4: For city states it all depends on whether the wikidata item is for
> the city,
> the state, or the city state.  In this case I'd be willing to use the same
> wikidata tag
> for a city state on two different OSM objects (the city and the country),
> but others will
> disagree.

I am also against restricting wikidata tags to a 1:1 relationship. It would
require restructuring of specific items either in osm or in wikidata, or
both, just to have them linked nicely (at a certain point in time, because
from then on, they will diverge again, inevitably).

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