"and so there is a wikidata item about them both, and it has a
property "has part" which has values of Constantia and Felix objects.
Constantia and Felix have a property "part of"."

Doesn't this mean that it would be better to create separate Wikidata
items for each separate OSM feature, rather than creating a new OSM

On 9/11/19, Janko Mihelić <jan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> sri, 11. ruj 2019. u 13:04 Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>
> napisao je:
>> One problem is that wikidata does not allow to have the same wikipedia
>> article for several wikidata objects.
> Yes it does. Look at this object:
> https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q23837517
> Its about one saint, Constantia, who was always mentioned together with
> Felix, her saint brother. She has no wikipedia articles about her, only
> about them both:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix_and_Constantia
> and so there is a wikidata item about them both, and it has a property "has
> part" which has values of Constantia and Felix objects. Constantia and
> Felix have a property "part of".
> So in some cases we can divide the wikidata object if it helps with
> identifying the OSM object. But again, I'm not sure this is the case with
> Malta, because the article is about the state, and the city is "inside" the
> state. When you reference the state, you imply the city inside it. Felix
> and Constantia are totally separate entities, and you don't imply one when
> you reference the other.
> Janko

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