This thread actually started with the question in the title:

"Keys to which new values can be added (to Map Features) without a
proposal: craft=, shop=, building=, office=, sport=?"

That is, should wiki users and mappers feel free to add any newly
documented values of craft=, shop=, building=, office=, and sport= to
the Map Features wiki page, and the Key page (eg Key:office,
Key:craft), or should this always be discussed first?

I restarted the thread more recently with a specific example:
craft=atelier had just been documented after being used a dozen times,
and was added to the Key:craft page and to Map Features. My question
is: was this ok, or should it have been discussed first?

It appears that most users here would prefer that there be some
discussion in some forum before new tags are added to the more formal
lists, so that cases like craft=atelier can be improved. But a number
of people (in another thread) are in favor of encouraging all new tags
to be documented at a page like Tag:office=new_value so that it's
clear how they were being used, even if they were not discussed.


On 8/17/19, ael <> wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 17, 2019 at 12:27:22PM +0100, Paul Allen wrote:
>> It's both.  Perhaps, with hindsight, most would agree that is sub-optimal
>> but that's
>> the way it is.  More importantly, it's been that way for long enough that
>> fixing it is
>> probably not possible.
> Unfortunately, you are probably right. But this thread started with a
> suggestion for a new(?) tag of business although perhaps restricted
> to handmade/handicraft.
> I would be all in favour of introducing "business" as long as it was
> not restricted in that way. Easy with various values. It might
> gradually evole and get used properly and gradually outnumber the old
> misused office tag. Should not be too onerous for data consumers?
> ael
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