As far as I'm concerned junction=roundabout means that that OSM way is part
of a roundabout. That's how it behaves.
JOSM is perfectly capable of handling split or unsplit roundabouts, except
for ad hoc rendering of the routes. With unsplit roundabouts, they all have
'bulges'. Hence my preference to split them everywhere, but I already
noticed other mappers are less than happy with that. Far less.


On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 1:58 AM Martin Koppenhoefer <>

> sent from a phone
> On 15. Aug 2019, at 23:25, marc marc <> wrote:
> why would you not do it for roundabouts?
> when we split a building in several parts, we keep one building=*
> and use several building:part
> for roundabouts, the tag is the same. for the whole roundabouts and for
> part of it.
> So spliting one roundabout into many produce many junction=roundabouts,
> despite it's only one roundabouts.
> it depends on our interpretation of the tags.
> The wiki is not consistent, as the definition says the tag
> junction=roundabout is describing
> “A road junction where the traffic goes around a non-traversable island
> and has right of way. “
> Later on, in “how to map”, it is assumed that roundabouts can consist of
> several ways: “
>    - Tag the OSM way(s) of the roundabout with junction
>    <>=roundabout.”
> There are some parallels to the bridge key page, where the definition
> currently reads:
> A bridge is an artificial construction that spans features such as roads,
> railways, waterways or valleys and carries a road, railway or other
> feature.
> This doesn’t mean that every way with bridge=yes is defining its own
> bridge (indeed the definition should rather be updated to something like:
> “a property to say something is on a bridge”). We’ll happily split a
> highway with bridge=yes for every property of the road that changes
> somewhere on the bridge, and we won’t interpret this as adding bridges to
> the map.
> Similarly we could write that junction=roundabout is a property to say a
> way is part of a roundabout (although this would be ugly, because the tag
> naming suggests to be about a feature rather than a property).
> We could also keep the definition and create route relations for the
> roundabouts (only the relation gets the junction tag), or invent a new
> property roundabout=yes for parts of roundabouts.
> Cheers Martin
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