I tried about a month ago, and found the improvements not very helpful,
sorting by shifting one way at a time for instance. I could not see how I
could check a long route for routing problems (duplicates,
areas/roundabouts, gaps, loose ends)  and correct it to be one single
ordered strand for use in a navigation/trip-planning app. But I will have
another look. I mainly noticed in many walking routes that damage by ID
still occurs a lot.

Fr gr Peter Elderson

Op do 15 aug. 2019 om 18:12 schreef Paul Allen <pla16...@gmail.com>:

> On Thu, 15 Aug 2019 at 16:57, Peter Elderson <pelder...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I do it a lot. Take it from me and all other route maintainers - You
>> can't maintain long routes with ID.
> Have you done it recently?  I tried maintaining a route with iD a year or
> two ago and realized
> it messed up the ordering.  So I installed and learned enough of jOSM to
> do it that way.  But
> iD changed a couple of months ago and supports routes a lot better.
> Most of the damage is done by other things then deletion. E.g. shifting a
>> way, connecting ways, extending a way, shortening a way, closing a way,
>> cutting a way.
> iD has had protection against damaging routes when you mess with ways that
> are part of a
> route for many months.  Try to disconnect a way that's part of a route and
> it will tell you that
> you can't do that because it's part of a route.  Maybe it doesn't catch
> all the ways you can
> damage a route by accident but it catches a lot of them.  I know, because
> it's complained
> at me a lot when I tried to alter ways that I hadn't realized were part of
> a route.
> A couple of days ago I found a length of road that was called "A" for one
> section and "B"
> for another.  It turned out that actually both sections should be called
> "C."  I renamed and
> merged those sections.  That road is part of a route.  I just checked the
> route.  Making that
> change hadn't broken or unordered the route.
> So, I ask again: when was the last time you tried this?  Because if you've
> done it in the past
> week or two and iD broke something, I'd like to know what I should avoid
> doing in iD.
> --
> Paul
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