On 15/08/19 13:33, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
"accepted and historic method of documenting new tags."
"No matter how little used this is the accepted method"
Is there evidence or documentation that the accepted and historic
method of documenting new, unused or little-used tags is to create a
Tag:key=value page, without discussion first?
I'm new here, but it looks like back in 2007 to 2008 tags were
discussed and then voted upon and added to Map Features quite
frequently; there were many newly approved tags, before "Any tags you
like" was written - perhaps the later page was a reaction against the
developing proposal process?
OSM existed before the 'proposal process' came along.
The accepted method before the proposal process was to document new tags by
directly entering them in the wiki.
When the 'proposal process' started there was no change to the practice of
document new tags by directly entering them in the wiki.
There has been no suggestion that this method is depreciated, abandoned etc.
"The ideal of forcing a proposal ... does not fly with me due to the probability of
being cast as 'abandoned'."
Using the proposal namespace should not force the original page author
to do anything else in the Proposal process. Most proposed tags are
never discussed on this list, and never move past "draft" status.
The status can be changed by anyone, not only the page author, I think quite a
few proposal status changes to 'abandoned' are by others.
The author has probably lost all faith in the tagging group and moved on.
But at some point the tag is clearly abandoned, and it's useful to
mark it as such: the first user stops adding new features, and no more
are added for several years. That's part of the benefit of keeping new
tags in Proposal spaces: it makes it clear that they are not yet "in
use" or "de facto" tags, and may well no longer be actively used by
current mappers. (I don't think such abandoned tag proposal pages
should be deleted, as long as the tag is still in the database, but
the status change is helpful.)
The alternative of putting a new tag page in user namespace could also
be helpful for tags used by one person, if the user doesn't want to
discuss things or have the page changed by others. Wiki editors will
not feel the need to change the page by adding mentions of other tags,
problems with the tag, alternatives, etc, if it's in a personal User
So it is a 'private' tag .. harder to find, not to be advertised...
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