On Sun, Aug 04, 2019 at 01:18:13PM +0300, Tomas Straupis wrote:
> 2019-08-04, sk, 12:59 Florian Lohoff rašė:
> > If B is a public road A cant be private property and thus not be
> > a service. If B is a track A can be a service because both
> > of them share the concept of not beeing for the general public.
> >
> > Or vice versa. If you make A a service B cant be a public road.
>   And therefore *track is higher* in the hierarchy than service. Right?

IMHO no - You have a hierarchy of public roads - from
residential/unclassified to motorway. service and track are not
in this hierarchy - they stand outside and carry various restrictions
depending on local regulation and have different purposes.

So a road which is for the general public like a
residential/unclassified must not be only reachable via a track/service.
This would be a breakage in hierarchy. The public road network is always
interconnected and should not build islands which cant be reached by
only using track or service roads. For most of the routers and modes of
transportation these would be hard islands. Same issue arises of
overbroad usage of access=* tagging.

This is why i have multiple QA tasks under these assumptions and German
legalese ...

- A public road may not carry a access=*
  The German legalese does not have a sign which completely forbids
  usage. The most restrictive sign still allows going by foot. 
  So the most restrictive access restriction could be vehicle=no
  (Except for construction - so i exclude highway=construction here)
- A public road may not carry any *=private
  If a public road is restricted to private its not a public road.
  Most likely this is a mistagging of the highway type
- A service road may not carry a name (Because in Germany only public
  roads get denominated a name). So either it has a name or its  
  a service.
- The nearest road to an address should not be a track.
  If the address is for living, the nearest road can not be a track
  as usage for living outweights agricultural usage by orders of
  magnitude. Or better - i search for the nearest legally usable
  road and have a cutoff for errors at arbitrarily chosen ~75meters. 
  Most of the errors i find are long driveways which carry arbitrary
  access tags, or farmyards which are only reachable via tracks.

Florian Lohoff                                                 f...@zz.de
        UTF-8 Test: The 🐈 ran after a 🐁, but the 🐁 ran away

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