On 03/08/19 10:28, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
Many transit routing services use the GTFS standard for transit, which
includes bus stops placed at the side of the road, not directly
connected to any road line features. The routing engine just has to
find the closest point on the transit routing graph by following
highway=* ways.
Consider also how you would route someone from a amenity=cafe node in
a building to a shop=* area in another building across the city, by
car. You have to jump from the node to the nearest highway, follow the
highways to the other side of the city, and then jump back to the
other node. So any router than can handle automobile directions can
also manage bus stops or tram stops or platforms at the side of the
road, without needing anything other than highway or railway ways and
platform or bus stop nodes.
I wasn't able to understand enough of the link about updating transit
features in Warsaw to see how the stop_position nodes were useful. I
understand that some transit agencies provide data about stop
positions, and that's the original reason that the stop_position nodes
were created. There's no problem with keeping them in your city if you
like them, but probably we shouldn't tell new mappers that they are
needed, for example in developing cities around the world that
currently lack any bus stops.
The complexity of the current system, as described on the main pages
in the wiki, can discourage mapping anything (for example, I've been
discouraged from trying to add any of the minibus routes in my part of
Indonesia, since it seemed so complicated to make so many features and
Your not the only one with that problem.
For my own purposes I came up with
On 8/3/19, Daniel Koć <daniel@koć.pl> wrote:
W dniu 02.08.2019 o 17:07, Markus pisze:
On Friday, August 2, 2019, Daniel Koć <daniel@koć.pl
<mailto:daniel@ko%C4%87.pl>> wrote:
Without using stop_positions, updating public transport routes in
a (semi-)automated way in a big city (like Warsaw) would be
Sorry, but i don't understand why this is impossible with only
platforms but no stop positions.
Routing software is reliable only if it connects points on the roads.
How would you propose to do it without them?
"Pojechałam truizmem, ale mogę, bo jestem trochę pierdołą" [P. Potocka]
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