Ferries use just amenity=ferry_terminal and route=ferry. You can also map
the man_made=pier as the equivalent of a “platform”.

Similarly, aerialways like gondolas have their own station tag,

The public_transport tags have never been popular for ferries or

On Thu, Aug 1, 2019 at 9:39 AM Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ferries also seam to be forgotten...
> public_transport=platform??? Covers ferry, bus, train, trams ... ??
> (One ring to rule them all etc)
> With regard to ref. I have bus stops that have 'Stand A' etc near train
> stations. these also carry a reference number that is used by the transport
> company - they are handy if you knowthem as you can type that in as your
> destination or start for there website on finding a trip scheduled/fee.
> Discussion on the Australian list resulted in this
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Australian_Tagging_Guidelines#Bus_Stop_names_and_references
> On 31/07/19 22:43, Jo wrote:
> bus_bay = right | left | both (
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/485293336  )
> For me the object that represents the bus stop, is always a simple node. I
> don't see a problem for doing that in bus stations as well.
> If there are actual platforms, whether in a bus station or somewhere along
> a way, it can be tagged:
> highway=platform (https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/304753571)
> or
> or railway=platform (https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/255344359)
> for trams.
> on a way.
> These ways don't get the ref, name, route_ref, zone, local_ref, operator,
> network, and so on, those go on the node that represents the bus stop. Only
> that node needs to be added to the route relations. It doesn't get any
> simpler than that.
> Good. I can see no benefit to adding additional information to the route.
> Things like shelters, toilets etc all become evident when the map is
> viewed. The routeing information does not need it.
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/576656712  (example of a bus stop
> served by 3 different operators near Brussels, I only put
> public_transport=platform, bus=yes because for a few years that seemed like
> the right thing to do. Today I wouldn't mind removing those 2 tags once
> again.)
> Those platform ways could get:
> tactile_paving=yes
> wheelchair=yes
> height=
> So there is no real conflict between highway=bus_stop or railway=tram_stop
> on a node
> and
> highway=platform or railway=platform on a way or an area.
> Polyglot
> On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 2:13 PM Paul Allen <pla16...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, 31 Jul 2019 at 12:52, Joseph Eisenberg <
>> joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Agreed, there are enough tags for public transport already. I don't
>>> think anything new is needed.
>> There's something I haven't found a way of mapping.  That's a bus stop
>> where there's a bay
>> inlet into the pavement (aka sidewalk, aka causeway).  If it served a
>> different purpose and
>> had different road markings, it could be a lay-by (aka rest area) or a
>> parking bay.  But it's a
>> bus stop where the bus does not obstruct the flow of traffic.  There are
>> four of those in
>> my town, that I can think of (there may be others I've missed).
>> Yes, I could use area:highway or add area=yes to a closed way, but those
>> don't seem to render
>> on a popular, well-known carto intended for mappers to check their work
>> for anything but
>> pedestrian ways.
>> Is there a way of doing it that I've missed?  If not, could we have one?
>> Example: https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit#map=20/52.08760/-4.65318
>> --
>> Paul
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