I've been tagging it with an empty amenity=school polygon around
everything, and then two points with amenity=school + name=* + all the
other specific tagging. But if mapped like that, a data consumer would see
3 schools. I like your solution with overlapping multipolygons.


čet, 4. srp 2019. u 09:58 Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>
napisao je:

> The one feature page states:
>    - More than one of something on the same site e.g. two schools sharing
>    grounds. Normally if the schools are separate they would have separate
>    neighbouring grounds, but if the only thing defining a separation between
>    two schools is their buildings, then the containing area should be tagged
>    with a suitable landuse
>    <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:landuse>=*, and the buildings
>    tagged individually.
> from
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/One_feature,_one_OSM_element#Examples_of_bad_situations
> I don’t believe this is common practice, e.g. there isn’t even a landuse
> value for schools.
> I would rather tag 2 schools with distinct buildings and shared grounds as
> 2 overlapping amenity=school areas with the “other buildings” (those of the
> other school) excluded via multipolygon inner roles.
> If we did like currently suggested in the wiki it would also loose the
> information about the grounds (only the buildings would result as schools).
> Cheers, Martin
> sent from a phone
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