On 20/06/19 16:06, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

sent from a phone

Am 20.06.2019 um 03:15 schrieb Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com>:

In which case I would simply add wheelchair=yes to them, as the OSMwiki says 
"suitable to be used with a wheelchair".

In which case I will repeat my sentence from #15:
if we would use “yes” we could not distinguish those which are promoted from 
those that are simply suitable


OSM tags toilets that are wheelchair 'suitable' etc. So I see no problem here.

If you mean the difference between a mapper who thinks something is wheelchair 
suitable compared to a mapper who uses a sign or brochure to judge it .. use 
the source key for that.

Promotion? No tag for it, some places have promotion from time to time, some 
all the time, some none of the time.

If you want some indication on the level of confidence in the tagging .. we 
don't require it for any other feature, why start here?

Do you want a grading system for wheelchair accessibility? Similar to surface 
smoothness etc?
I'm not going there. And I would not put it on the key wheelchair=*

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